358 comments 143 Chapter 121
2015-03-13 22:00 skdeimos
17 comments 64 Prediction: Eliezer will post the final chapter late
2015-03-13 22:38 taulover
23 comments 36 Now that HPMOR's about to end, would there be interest here in a Community Read-Through of something slightly harder, like Gödel, Escher, Bach or Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach?
2015-03-14 00:12 19283123
19 comments 16 [Spoilers 121] So about James Potter...
2015-03-13 22:42 SundayBeatle
10 comments 12 What's the Cedrics Diggory thing?
2015-03-14 00:04 EMC112
7 comments 10 The Sorting Hat and CEV [spoilers 109]
2015-03-13 22:46 wfenza
4 comments 5 Chicago Wrap Party
2015-03-13 22:49 Squirrelloid